Monday, February 8, 2010

After the Interview....

How do you get ahead after a job interview?......Say thank you!

An article written by Dawn Anfuso from the Daily Breeze had some important tips for saying thank you after an interview. Check out the full article here.

Here are a few key points that can serve you well, and from my experiences they have made a difference in making good first impressions and have, at times led to the building of important and lasting relationships:
  • Only %10 of job applicants say thank you after an interview.
  • Always send a thoughtful handwritten email is not enough. Think about how many emails you get in one week.
  • Choose a card with an interesting design or make one that is more personal.
  • Send a card within 24 hours of the interview. If you have already interviewed and have not sent a card.....send it now. It is never too late.
  • Send a thank you card to everyone who you interviewed with and anyone who helped you get the interview. Make sure their name is spelled correctly.
  • Be enthusiastic about the company.
  • Let them know you are excited to hear from them or meet with them in the future.
  • I would also recommend including your contact information. If you have a personal card enclose it in the card.
Good luck job hunting!!!

............... I hope this inspires you!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Happy 2010! What will you do?

Happy 2010! 2010 is here and what will you do that is important this year? With only 365 day in a year the count down in on. Throw away the idea of a new year's resolution and start this year off right with setting yourself goals you will accomplish and start living your resolutions.

Questions to ask yourself: Where do I want to go this year? What do I want to achieve? How will I get there?

According to the book, What they don't teach you at Harvard Business School, Those that set goals are likely to achieve more and make more money.

Don't limit yourself to what you can do in a year. Start with breaking down your large goals into smaller, daily attainable goals. A large goal might be to get an internship this year. A smaller daily goal (step 1) would be to daily read the newspaper, Women's Wear Daily, or your favorite blog to stay current with what companies are doing and find out about new companies that might need your help. Next (step 2), You could create a list of all the companies you would like to intern with and add new companies to the list as you come across them. (Step3) You could contact the companies you are interested in working for. By next year at this time you will have yourself one years worth of industry experience.

"Doing the best at this moment puts you in the best place for the next moment." Oprah Winfrey

One of my personal goals for 2010: On a daily basis I will stop and smell the.......roses, flowers, ect. I will try to be in the moment at least once a day.

........ I hope this inspires you!